Read more about Boyden's work at

NBIC - Multidisciplinary scientific field at the crossroads of nanotechnologies (N), biotechnologies (B), information technology (I) and cognitive sciences (C).
NBIC - Champ scientifique multidisciplinaire qui se situe au carrefour des nanotechnologies (N), des biotechnologies (B), de l'informatique (I) et des sciences cognitives (C).
Monday, April 29, 2013
Optogenetics: Controlling the brain with light
This animation illustrates optogenetics — a radical new
technology for controlling brain activity with light. Ed Boyden, the co-inventor of this technology, is a
professor at the MIT Media Lab and at the McGovern Institute for Brain Research, where he continues to develop new
technologies for controlling brain activity.
Read more about Boyden's work at
Read more about Boyden's work at